Sunday, February 23, 2014

Day 14, Small Pause, "Unplug"

Window to the Sea, 7x5in. Oil on linen/panel. Powell's Pt. Park, N.S. Available

Today's Small Pause...

Sometimes it is essential to unplug from the noise of life. Leaving everything man-made behind and seeking out nature provides a welcome change of pace and solitude. Today I crunched through a snowy path to reach such a spot. 

Once I arrived I sat quietly on an empty picnic table and allowed nature's pace to envelop me. Trees wavered in a gentle breeze as nature sounds soothed. It was a peaceful, centering moment that brought calm waters to my soul. 


I would love to hear your thoughts or small pause today! Please feel free to share in the comment section below. 

Friday, February 21, 2014

Day 13, Small Pause, "Popsicle Sky"

Today's Small Pause...

Before my day began, I witnessed the beauty of an early morning horizon. Soft layers of muted color fused upwards into a clear blue sky. 

A layer of turquoise floated along the horizon; while a band of soft pink settled gently upon the bottom layer. Pinkness drifted into a colorless space, before it advanced into the blue above. 

The layers reminded me of rainbow popsicles we bought as kids. They processed the same charm as the peaceful sky I paused to observe this morning. 


I would be delighted to have you share your "Small Pause" today! Please feel free to share your thoughts or recent small pause in the comment section below.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Day 12, Small Pause, "Intersection"

Purple Trails, 3x3in. Oil on linen/panel.

Today's Small Pause...

While working intensely on report cards, I paused for a moment and looked up. My mind began to take an interesting break, as I gazed at my "Valentine" tulips. My eyes drifted within the tulips and concentrated on the gentle intersection created by overlapping petals. An interesting intersection of darker color reminded me of the venn diagrams we studied in school. It was interesting how much darker the petals appeared as they gently folded over each other. A lovely contrast of color and subtle hues became an interesting visual story. 

As an artist I am often drawn to these intimate points of vision. They take the mind on a visual expedition and offer a much needed distraction from life's obligations. It is the mind that paints the picture, storing visual information for later use. 


I would be delighted to have you share your "Small Pause" today. Please feel free to share your thoughts or recent small pause in the comment section below.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Day 11, Small Pause, "Connection"

A  Burst of Cheer, 4x4in. Oil on linen/panel.

Today's "Small Pause"...

Have you ever had a conversation with an individual, however brief and felt like you had just made a special connection? Such an incident happened to me today early in the morning before my school day began. A student from the previous year had poked his head in my door before the busyness of the day began. Now this student is a bit of a character and one I find amusing. We proceeded to have a delightful conversation with a knowingness that only people experience from an understanding of each other. We shared a few chuckles and familiar stories and then both proceeded to enter our busy days.

It was an exchange that made me smile. The warmth of connection and understanding between individuals leaves a joy in one's heart. I love one to one connections! They create a special feeling of acceptance and understanding for others. Today was a special connection between a teacher and student. It created a pleasant feeling I carried with me for the rest of the day. 

"Everybody laughs the same in every language because laughter is a universal connection.

Yakov Smirnoff


I would be delighted to have you share your "Small Pause" today. Please feel free to share your thoughts or recent small pause in the comment section below.

Friday, February 7, 2014

Day 10, Small Pause, "Poetry of Nature"

Fairytale Moon, 20x16in. Oil on canvas, MacLellan's Brook, Nova Scotia.

Today's "Small Pause"...

Nature's poetry was my muse today, as I gazed upward to sky and limbs. Limbs lit in sunlight contrasted with the deep blue above. They stretched towards the vastness above creating sky pockets along the way. My eyes waltzed along crisp white limbs and journeyed in and out of empty blue spaces. Curved limbs seemed to stretch longingly towards a soft half moon. A quiet moon that gently appeared in mid afternoon. 

It is an everyday occurrence whose beauty could be missed. Becoming attune to nature's poetry is necessary, or all is lost to a day of uneventful routine.


I would be delighted to have you share your "Small Pause" today. Please feel free to share your thoughts or recent small pause in the comment section below.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Day 9, Small Pause, " Do You Believe?"

"And above all, watch with glittering eyes the whole world around you because the greatest secrets are always hidden in the most unlikely places. Those who don't believe in magic will never find it. "
~ Roald Dahl

Today's "Small Pause"...

Remember viewing things as a child with wonder and magic? Today I had a glimpse of this wonderful way of viewing the world. After listening to another student read a book with a mermaid in it, three little girls proceeded to have a discussion about the reality of mermaids. The discussion went something like this:

"I love mermaids!" says Sara.
"Me too." says Miranda.
"I saw one, one time and she was really beautiful. Her hair was shiny and she was really colorful." says Sara.
"Are mermaids really real Sara?" asked Andrea.
"Oh ya, they are really real", says Sara. 
"I think they are too", says Andrea. 
"Ya", says Miranda.

It was a delightful engagement that made me smile. Maybe, mermaids really are real. Since when do adults have all the answers? I think children could teach us a thing or two about how to view the world. The magic of a child's perspective and wonderment, does not have to be obliterated with adulthood. 


I would be delighted to have you share your "Small Pause" today. Please feel free to share your thoughts or recent small pause in the comment section below.

Monday, February 3, 2014

Day 8, Small Pause, "A Note of Thanks"

Today's "Small Pause" ...

As I culled through a basket of papers today, I came upon a pretty thank you note. It had been given to me some time ago by a parent whose son I had taught. I remember how it touched me when I first received it and tucked it away, as it was too precious to discard. 

My student's mother wrote touchingly how I had eased her son's discomfort about a situation he was experiencing with a fellow classmate. She went on to thank me for dealing with the situation in a positive and caring manner. In the end she said both her son and fellow classmate became friends due to the positive intervention they received. 

It brought a smile to my face as I recalled the whole situation. I was doing what any caring teacher would do and went on to solve many more situations for others. It made me reflect on just how important our actions are and how they affect others. Sometimes our reactions to others and how we validate their concerns profoundly affect them without our knowledge. 

It was so nice to read this note again today, as I head towards my retirement this year. Maybe in a small way I was able to make a difference to those who crossed my teaching path. No matter what occupation you are in, small gestures of kindness often create ripples you were unaware of at the time. Certainly a truth we should be conscious of in our everyday interactions with others. 


Please feel free to share your thoughts or "Small Pause" today in the comments below. 

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Day 7, Small Pause, "Wall Shadows"

Free Flow, 24x12in Oil on wrap canvas by Debbie Lamey-MacDonald

Today's "Small Pause"...

Upper shadow is from an Amaryllis which is about to bloom.

After a busy morning completing domestic chores, I enjoyed a nice break in the morning sunlight. Light streamed in the window, lighting areas that are often in semi-shadow. Suddenly, my attention was diverted to a wall shadow. So subtle and soft, it swept across the wall, magnifying its source. Interesting diagonal lines and numerous subtle grays captivated my attention. My mind began to muse over the puzzle pieces that initiated these interesting shadows. As an artist, noticing every day subtleties often leads to future creations.


There is always an open invitation to share your "Small Pauses" in the comment section below. Wishing you special moments in present time!

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